Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm Erick Rodriguez and I want to be a web developer.

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Hi, my name is Erick Rodriguez. I’m 31 years old. I’ve been married to a beautiful woman for 5 years. I have a two year old son and another son that will be here in a few weeks. I work full time for a large equipment and machinery company in Illinois. Along with all the responsibilities that come with what I listed above, I want to be a web developer.

Web development isn’t an unfamiliar thing to me. I was a part of small business that built and hosted websites. I’ve taken a class at my local community college and I’ve gone through some tutorials on Codecademy. Even though I’ve done these things, coding still wasn’t sticking. Plus, I wasn’t setting aside specific time to learn.

Enter New Method.

I learned about New Method from Scott Magdalein. He called me one day and asked me if I thought there was a need for a website that was geared towards people like me who are wanting to learn web development. I told him there definitely was a need. Within two days New Method was born.

Since that conversation, I realized that I needed to set aside time each day. I had just read an article by Jon Acuff called Can 30 Minutes Change the World?. This made me wake up and realize that if I want to be a web developer then I need to set aside specific time each day; time that won’t consistently take away from my family. I talked with Scott about this, and he challenged me to wake up at 6am each morning. I accepted and it was on. I became New Method’s first ‘student’ and learning plan guinea pig.

It’s been a little over a week now and I’ve been up at 6 am going through Treehouse tutorials. It’s been great! I’ve been learning and enjoying what I’ve been learning. I just received my New Method learning plan yesterday. I’m nervous and excited about going through this intense plan.

I'll write about what my plan looks like and how I’ve been approaching it in my upcoming posts.