Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The New Method Handbook for Learning Web Development

google: learn web development

Have you decided to learn web development, but don’t know where to start or what path to follow? You're not the only one. Learning web development is hard, especially as an adult with other responsibilities.

Just making the decision to learn web development creates a thousand questions. Your first step may have been Google, which gave you about 311,000,000 results ranging from college courses to YouTube tutorials. Maybe you asked some web developer friends and they pointed you to books on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, or Python.

There's a plethora of content options for learning web development, but making sense of all of it is overwhelming.

So what now?

Don't waste your time reading books, taking online courses, or watching endless YouTube videos without knowing where you're going and how you're going to get there. You need a learning plan with a clear path to learning web development so you don't waste time teaching yourself or waste money on classes you don't need.

I'm putting together The New Method Handbook to solve this problem. I'm designing it for beginner web developers as a comprehensive learning plan. Following the handbook will take you through:

  • How websites & browsers work

  • HTML & CSS

  • UX design, wireframing, Information Architecture, and content design

  • Domain management, web hosting basics, File Transfer Protocol

  • Working in terminal (Command-line Interface)

  • Git & Github

  • jQuery

  • JavaScript

  • Ruby

  • Sinatra

  • Databases & ORMs

  • Rails

  • Deploying with Heroku

As a comprehensive, focused, efficiency-oriented learning plan, the Handbook will provide a strategic curriculum that teaches you the right stuff at the right time, a focused learning plan that teaches you the best stuff and removes the information you don't need, and independent projects at each stage to reinforce your learning and help you build a portfolio.

Extra goodies

The Handbook won't be a dead document. It will continue to grow over time as the web changes and you'll always get updates for free. It's also more than an ebook; it's a partnership between me and you. Before you start, you and I will sit down via Skype and talk through the Handbook so you can be fully prepared for the task ahead. And you'll have a custom-built Trello project to stay on track with the Handbook.

As you complete each of the six major stages, I'll send you a real badge in the mail that you can display proudly. When you complete the Handbook, I'll send you a victory t-shirt in the mail, too. And, because I really want to see you succeed, if you finish the Handbook I'd be glad to stand in as a reference on your resumé to the fact that you are a solid web developer.

I've never seen an "ebook" offer all this and I'm excited about how it will help all the eager folks learning web development as an adult.

Sign up to hear when it's ready

The only email you'll get from me is when the Handbook is ready. No spam. No "special offers."